July 14, 2024
First one of 2024 is Sunday July 14, 9-11am
We'll be touring a garden that's been 10 years in the making. The property owners have replaced their front lawn with natives and bee friendly plants, and have an expanding veggie garden in the backyard, without use of pesticides or herbicides. Please RSVP to urbanag@sustainablemorsepark.org to sign up for the free tour.
If you would like to share your yard or garden of any kind (veggie, flower, xeriscape, orchard, chickens, etc.) for a couple hours with a limited number of neighbors, please email urbanag@sustainablemorsepark.org. Also if you have a backyard project you'd like to share such as a greenhouse, composting, etc., we'd love to help you share your knowledge and experiences!
Email urbanag@sustainablemorsepark.org To register and RSVP